Nonprofit governance and disclosures
Every nonprofit organisation is governed by some kind of board and the names and terms of service of the members of these boards must be disclosed to regulators.
All company directors must disclose the dates of their appointment/resignation and certain other information to the Companies Registration Office. This is public information. Benefacts acquires updated company director information daily and publishes it on the listing of each nonprofit company .
The birth dates of directors are received in machine-readable form. They are hashed and stored for verification and research purposes only.
The names and dates of appointment of charity trustees, including some school trustees, are published and periodically updated on the public Register of Charities maintained by the Charities Regulator. Benefacts uses this data for analysis purposes but does not republish it on this website.
No data about charity trustees other than their name and date of appointment is provided on the public register of charities.
Benefacts uses census data to estimate the gender of directors and trustees based on their first name.
There are no publicly available registers of the trustees or officers of schools, charter bodies, unincorporated sports bodies, political parties, trade unions or friendly societies.
Last updated 21 May 2020
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