Use the search box

Type the keyword or name of the organisation you are looking for in the search bar.

Search Screen

Next, click Search.

All of the results that include your keyword or name will be listed. This might be a long list – you can narrow the results by using the filters along the lefthand side of the screen.

Use filters

To refine your search results, use the filters on the lefthand side of the screen. For example if you type the word music, you will get 334 results. If what you’re interested in is actually a list of music organisations in Cork that are eligible to receive tax-efficient gifts, you can filter for these and you will get 13 results.

Use the exact word or phrase

Benefacts will search for all of the words you type into the Search box, wherever they occur in the records we hold, not just in the name of a non-profit organisation. If you have a specific enquiry – for example music festivals – then put inverted commas around the term – e.g. “music festival”. Here’s the difference:

Can’t find an organisation?

Benefacts collects data about more than 20,000 Irish nonprofits from many open public sources for republication on this website.

In addition, we collect data from other sources for example Public Participation Networks – for research purposes, but we can’t republish the information here until it becomes available under Open Data regulations.


Last updated 21 May 2020