To search for categories or groups of nonprofits on, use Advanced Find.

Search Screen

In Advanced Find, select the category or categories that interest you.

For example to find all of the registered charities in Ireland whose stated charitable purpose is religion, click “religion” in the Charitable purposes section, and “Registered charity” in the Regulatory section.

Or to find the group of arts nonprofits in Cork that are registered charities, select “Cork” + “Arts” + “Registered charity”.


Refine your search

Use the change search button to narrow your results in Advanced Find. You can explore the profile of search results using the drop-down categories to the left of your search results. To see the contents of a particular category, use the change search feature and add the necessary parameters to your search.

Try it yourself, click here to see Advanced Find.


Clear your search

Remember to click reset when you want to start a fresh advanced search.


Last updated 21 May 2020