Benefacts database of Irish nonprofits
Annual financial statements are the source of most of the financial data in Benefacts Database of Irish Nonprofits. These are filed by companies, friendly and industrial societies, charter bodies and political parties with their respective regulatory authorities, who make them public.
Accounts filed by charities that are not incorporated (mainly dioceses, religious denominations and charitable trusts) are not made available by the Charities Regulator.
Each year, as soon as they have been filed, Benefacts acquires financial statements from all available sources, analyses them and re-keys their contents into the database. The items harvested include elements of the Directors’ and Auditor’s report, the balance sheet, income & expenditure account, and notes to the accounts including statutory disclosures (payroll costs, number of full-time equivalent employees, higher remuneration, related party disclosures).
Last updated 21 May 2020
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