8 August, 2016

Benefacts Stakeholders Forum

Since the start of the Benefacts project, we have had the benefit of regular feedback from stakeholders in the nonprofit sector, in government and from our funders and other interested parties.

Read more about the Benefacts Stakeholders Forum here. The Forum includes least eight and no more than twelve members, serving in a personal capacity. It meets about six times a year and is intended to be broadly representative of the kinds of nonprofits that are included in the Benefacts Database of Irish Nonprofits.

Since it was established in April 2015, the meetings of the Forum have been concerned with helping us to apply a classification framework, to develop an approach to presenting data in more accessible ways, and to engage with the sector more generally, especially about issues that might be a cause of concern.

The Chairman and members of the Forum serve on a voluntary basis for a term of twelve months, renewable for one term. Some members of the original Forum have said they want to serve for a second term, and others want to move on.

If you’re interested to put your name forward for membership of the Forum, or to get more information about its work, write to companysecretary@benefacts.ie before noon on Friday 2nd September. We will respond to all correspondence received; the Board will seek to fill vacancies so as to involve a broadly-based group of individuals with an interest in our work.